International recruitment



  • Manufacturer
  • Agri-food processing
  •  Restaurants/Hotels
  • Agriculture
  • Customer Service
  • Retail
  • Health (beneficiary attendants)

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Service included in international recruitment

  • Job posting in accordance with government requirements,
  • Production of the Labour Market Impact Assessment,
  • Pre-selection of candidates with interview,
  • Possibility to see the candidate at his place of work,
  • Criminal record check and employment history,
  • Presentation of the candidate by videoconference,
  • Distance training in preventive occupational health and safety,
  • Technical and or psychometric evaluation "as needed and relevant",
  • Integration support with administrative formality, (RAMQ, SIN, Bank, SAAQ, etc.) including the housing service,
  • Pick-up of workers at the airport
  • Help with the first groseries
  • 3-month performance warranty.

Selection of foreign workers

In order to select the necessary workforce, we work in collaboration with recruitment firms based in foreign soil. To meet your needs, we have a vast directory of predominantly French-speaking labor force from international sources. 

From abroad, workers are accompanied in their preparations for arrival on Canadian soil. From learning about culture, social features and customs, to supporting paperwork and much more, our collaborators are there to support workers so that all steps are positive and without pitfalls.

Origin of workers

Our workers are of international origin, however, in order to obtain the necessary manpower, we work more with certain countries such as;

  • Bening
  • Togo
  • Ivory Coast
  • Ghana
  • Cameroon
  • Mexico
  • Tunisia
  • Morocco
  • Madagascar
  • Quebec/Canada

Integration support service

It is through our deep conviction that a successful and sustainable hiring depends on optimal integration, that our team works in collaboration with a quality private firm specialized in integration, which has at heart the well-being and support of individuals.

From their country of origin, workers are taken care of from the moment they are hired and supported until their integration in Québec.

Our basic integration service

• General preparation for Quebec and information on the host country.

• Housing support, candidates arrive with housing ready, inspect and sign on their behalf.

• Support for registration with the (Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec, social insurance number and driver's licence),

• Support for opening the bank account,

• Recovery of workers at the airport and accompaniment for the first grocery store,

• Other additional services on request.

Technical and psychometric evaluation

We are well aware that international recruitment can be both an economic challenge and a source of stress. We also know that employees are an important part of a company's success. It's for these reasons, "as needed and relevant", that we have at our disposal ultra-customized and functional technical and psychometric assessment tools, designed by talent assessment experts to adapt to the specific needs of each company in order to minimize hiring risks. The assessment tools have been designed by drawing on the expertise of 80 specialists and validated by specialists in human resources and organizational psychology to select the best-performing workforce.

Our experts are on hand to offer tailor-made online training courses to suit any company's requirements. Several other customized employment-related services can also be offered.

Example of some of the technical areas assessed and customized.

  • Written and oral communication exercises (English/French),
  • Grammar and spelling tests,
  • Work behavior tests,
  • Typing test,
  • Situational judgment test on administrative skills,
  • Spatial Resonance Test,
  • Problem-solving test,
  • Numerical and alphanumerical data entry test,
  • Mechanical comprehension test, (installation and maintenance, skilled trades, operators,vocational and technical students, sales and general work),
  • Advanced accounting test,
  • Occupational health and safety test,
  • Cognitive Ability Test,
  • Customer service, sales, accounting, etc. skills tests,
  • Practical exercise on software (Word, Exel),
  • Deductive and emotional reasoning exercises,
  • Other as required.
